
Cronfig plugin supports both Mautic 2 and Mautic 3.


Place the files of the plugin into your Mautic

There are 2 ways to get the Mautic-Cronfig plugin to your Mautic. If you have SSH access to your server or if you have only SFTP access. Follow the steps based on what you have.

I have SSH access

  1. Log in with ssh user@host
  2. Go to your Mautic root folder and then to the plugins folder. cd /path_to_mautic/plugins
  3. Download and unzip with curl -o -L && unzip && mv mautic-cronfig-master CronfigBundle
  4. Clear Mautic's cache. Simply delete the content of app/cache/prod folder. rm -rf ../app/cache/prod/*

I have only SFTP access

  1. Download the plugin to your computer.
  2. Unzip the downloaded package.
  3. Upload the unzipped folder to the plugins folder.
  4. Rename it to CronfigBundle the way so you could locate CronfigBundle.php file on this path: plugins/CronfigBundle/CronfigBundle.php.
  5. Clear Mautic's cache. Simply delete the content of app/cache/prod folder.

Enable Cronfig Plugin in Mautic

  1. Go to the right hand side Mautic menu (click the cog icon in the top right corner to slide the menu out) and go to Plugins.
  2. Click the Install/Upgrade Plugins button. The Cronfig icon should appear in the list of plugins. Enable Cronfig Plugin
  3. Go to the right hand side Mautic menu again. A new menu item called Cronfig should be there. Hit it. A register/login screen should appear.
  4. Your email should be prefilled. Click on the Register button and check your email inbox. Your API key should appear in your inbox any second.
  5. If you received the Cronfig registration email, copy the API key from it, insert it to the Log in input and log in.